Camp Fire, 2011 by Tala Madani
Camp fire, 2011, the figures around the fire look like children, the trees/figures in the background, above look like disapproving parents or bunny ears or fingers, it’s ambiguous. She obviously leaves layers to dry, they are lovely and quick, but patience got her there.
Tala Madani’s Light Balance 2012 but with all the heads replaced with Homer Simpson’s head.
Light balance, 2012, a dusty glow surrounds the ray of light from the torch. Homer Simpson like middle aged silly dad types, looking at one another and coming to a realisation that they are both silly. It says it’s oil but I thought it may have spray paint or an airbrush to achieve that dusty light.
Shit Mom, 2019 by Tala Madani.
Shit mom, 2019, looks like it…has airbrushed parts but says oil. Could be achieved by scuffing? Or glazing? Not sure. Reminds me of the South park character Mr. Hankey, the Christmas poo. Are the babies sculpting their mom out of shit? Or are they covering her drugged-out body in shit? The babies are all pink and she must be too, so I think they’re covering her in shit. Unless she adopted.
All the little plaques/tiles on the walls with the titles of paintings on in this place say ‘Oil’ as the medium, literally all of them just say oil on whatever support they are on. Why? Some paintings have paper attached to them and are stitched or repaired with threads. Is this some kind of elitist conspiracy about artist mediums? What’s really going on man? The heck!?